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Condolence Letter on Death of Father, Mother

What to write to someone who lost their dad Condolence Letter

[Friend Address]

Dear Friend Name,
I am deeply saddened to learn that you have lost your dear father. The death of a father is one of the most painful griefs on earth. No word of consolation can comfort you at this time. Trust in God, and he will give you the strength to bear this misfortune. For the sake of your younger brother and sister, you must bravely face the harsh realities of life. You should also stand by your father and give whatever rest you can.
I look forward to meeting you very soon if any kind of help and support.

Yours ever,
Your Name

Another Format Condolence Letter on Death of Father

[Friend Address]

Dear Friend Name,
I am greatly shocked to know that your father is no more. It’s really hard to blow to us. I knew he had been in the hospital for a sickness. But never could I imagine that he would die. During our association with him over the past long years, I developed the highest respect for him. My words fail to give you consolation in such a moment of grief. This news is really a bolt from the blue to me.
I understand how deeply you would feel his loss. However, we must bear God’s judgment with patience. Now you will be to shoulder the responsibility to look after your mother. May you gather courage and strength to overcome this great loss. Kindly assure your mother of my deep sympathy.

Yours truly,
Your Name


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