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Permission letter to the principal from parents

Write an permission letter to the principal from parents – Consent letter to principal

[Your Name & Address]
[Principal’s Name]
[School Name & School Address]
Subject: Permission for [Student’s Name] to [Reason for Permission]
Dear [Principal’s Name],
Dear [principal’s name],
I am writing to ask your permission on behalf of my child, [student name], who is a student in [grade/class] at [school name]. We request your approval for the following matter: [Provide a clear and concise description of the reason for seeking permission. For example, if it is a field trip, state the purpose, destination, date and other relevant details. If this is for participation in a specific program or activity, provide all required information.]
I assure you that we understand the importance of [student’s name]’s education and are committed to ensuring their continued attendance and academic progress. We believe that the above request is in consonance with their educational growth and overall development. We are confident that [student name] will greatly benefit from this experience, as it provides valuable opportunities for learning, personal growth, and social interaction.
[If applicable, state any arrangements you have made to make up for any missed assignments or to complete the course. Emphasize your commitment to supporting your child’s education despite their absence.] We request your prompt consideration and response regarding our request for permission. Thank you for your time and attention on this matter.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]
[Parent/Guardian of [Student’s Name]


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