1. Request Letters

Letter for cancellation of insurance

Letter for cancellation of insurance

[Your Name & Address]
[Insurance Company Name]
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to request cancellation of my insurance policy with [name of insurance company]. The details of the policy are mentioned above for your reference. Due to [specify reason for cancellation], I no longer need the coverage provided by this policy.
I humbly request you to process the cancellation as soon as possible. Please provide written confirmation of cancellation along with any applicable refund or adjustment to my premium.
I understand that there may be administrative procedures and fees associated with cancellation and I agree to comply with them. If there are any required forms or documents that need to be completed, please send them to me at the address mentioned above, or provide instructions on how to access them electronically.
I would appreciate your prompt attention to this matter, as I would like the cancellation to be effective [specify the desired cancellation date, usually 30 days after the date of the letter]. Please let me know if any further steps need to be taken from my end. If there are any outstanding payments or premium due, please inform me about the amount and provide instructions on how to settle the same.
Thank you for your attention to this request. I look forward to receiving confirmation of cancellation and any relevant documents in due course.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]


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